Monday, 22 February 2016

8 Simple Techniques To Clear Out The Underarm Odor Naturally

The topics on body odors are very sensitive and it is an embarrassing problem to have a bad underarm odor. Chemicals and artificial scent sprays may temporarily control body odor, but often fail to address the underlying cause. Natural remedies have proven to be more effective in treating undesirable body odor and provide a fresher and cleaner scent. Understanding the causes of body odor helps to treat this common problem naturally and effectively. Listed below are the causes and natural ways to overcome this problem.

Wash Regularly
You need to bath at least once in a day as this will help to limit the bacteria population on the skin. This is very important as the bacteria are the real culprit and the main source of most of the body odors. So focus more on washing traditionally troublesome areas like the armpits. Also most importantly you need to dry the area well after cleaning it since bacteria may re-grow on damp skin.

Use green supplements

Include some green supplements in your diet such as the wheat grass or chlorophyll supplements. When you add these daily vitamins to your diet they act as natural deodorizers and can help to smell good.

Apply Natural, Aluminium Free Deodorants

There are several herbal and crystal deodorants that are available in the market. There are all natural deodorants that can also effectively control the underarm odor. But before buying the deodorants that are labeled as natural please check if they have aluminum alum present in it. Avoid the chemicals products and go for the organic ones which are the best choice.

Wear clothes made of natural fibers

Wearing silk or cotton apparels which are made of natural fibers will give greater breathability to your body. The air flows well on the skin’s surface and when you keep the skin dry they give away the humidity and moisturize well. This is actually not so helpful for the odor causing bacteria.

Spritz with Vinegar

Spritz some white vinegar or the apple cider vinegar to the areas with excess odor. Then you can wipe the dry area which can help to eliminate some offensive smells. Vinegar is a wonderful natural antiseptic that can kill bacteria and fungi present on the skin’s surfaces

Modify your diet

There are certain foods that actually exude bad odors through the pores. And those odor causing foods are onions, garlic and caffeinated drinks. So if you are a person suffering from too much body odor then you should definitely eliminate these bad odor causing foods from your diet. This will in turn improve the general body odor.

Follow a detox program

Even after following all possible methods to get rid of body odors if the problem still persists you can follow a body detox program. This is because the body odor is also an indicative of the problem in your system. There are numerous cleansing routines that may be appropriate and when you regularly incorporate the detox foods, it will help you a lot. Some regular sessions in the infrared sauna will also encourage removing the toxic impurities through your skin.

Wipe With A Natural Sterilizer

You can wipe the underarms and also other smelly areas like feet with the tea tree oil or the witch hazel. This will be helpful to control the underarm odor in a natural way. The tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and witch hazel modifies the skin’s pH to make it undesirable for the bacteria.
Your body has to get rid of various toxins through a variety of metabolic processes like urination, passing fecal matter etc. In this course of action you are eliminating a lot of toxins out from your body. This will actually increase the chances of having an optimum physical health. When you use the anti-perspirant deodorants they tend to block the pores and they will not allow the toxins to come out. It is hence advisable to use the natural remedies to treat the under arm bad odors.

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