Thursday, 10 March 2016

This Simple But Extremely Efficient Potato Rinse Can Save You Tons of Money on Hair Dye. Recipe and Directions Included

Both women and men suffer from grey hair issues, which is not a health issue, but it affects their appearance and many people struggle to eliminate it. Namely, grey hairs make you look older than you really are.
Nowadays, an increasing number of men and women start graying in their 30s. Graying is triggered by numerous factors, such as genetics, excessive stress, lack of sleep, and unhealthy diet.
Indeed, the market offers hundreds of hair dyes, but there are also some natural remedies can be equally effective.
Such a natural folk remedy which can slowly darken your hair overtime is a potato peel rinse. Namely, potato peels are rich in starch which can naturally color grey hair within weeks or months.
Here is the recipe for this amazing homemade dying method:

·         You need the peel of 5-6 medium to large potatoes, and the potatoes can be used afterwards for cooking, since you won’t need them.
·         Collect the peels in a cooking pot which you fill with 2 cups of water. Boil the water over high heat, then reduce heat and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes.
·         Cool the water and strain it through a colander over a large bowl, and dispose of the potato peels, but keep the water.
·         Store the potato peel-infused into a glass container with tight fitting lid. Moreover, in order to scent it, you can add a few drops of rosemary or lavender oil.
1.      You should wash your hair as usual, but leave the conditioner to act for one to two minutes before washing it off, in order to moisturize it properly, as grey hair is normally drier.
2.      Then, massage the potato peel water into your hair and do not rinse it out.
3.      Afterwards, dry and style your hair as usual.
4.      The unused potato- peel rinse can be kept in the fridge for future use.
5.      You should do this treatment every day, or 2-3 times a week for several weeks or months.
6.      Be patient and wait for the amazing results of this amazing potato- peels rinse!

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